Here you can find a selection of routes in the Cairngorm Runners area that range from around 5k to 10k!
1. Aviemore 10k Route
Start and Finish: Badaguish Outdoor Centre
Distance: 10k
Strava Route
Route description:
Park up at the Badaguish Outdoor Centre and begin your run by heading south towards the Glenmore visitor centre on forest road. The track has a small uphill section before descending down to the lochside opposite the Pine Martin Bar and Grill. If you're not distracted by the refreshments on offer turn towards Aviemore on the Old Logging Way and until a right turn opposite the Loch Morlich car park. From here, it's a long straight road back up hill passing beyond the outdoor centre. The turnaround point on the An Sluggan path is at 7.3km into your run. Upon turning around you will soon come back to a left hand junction which when taken presents a steep climb back up to the outdoor centre and you're almost there. One lap of the campus and you are finished, right next to the cafe should you need a reward!
2. The Old Logging Way
Start: Glenmore Visitor Centre
Finish: Aviemore Railway Station
Distance: 10.2km
Strava Route
Route Description: A great way to do this run, or any in Glenmore, is to take the Aviemore Explorer bus (No30) from Aviemore up into the Glen. The bus runs at least every hour from outside the railway station and this route starts at the bus stop by the Pine Martin Bar or Glenmore Visitor Centre. From here, this run is fully waymarked, off the road and downhill the whole way! You'll likely share this popular path with other runners, cyclists and walkers so keep an eye on your surroundings as it's also a great route for wildlife.
3. Rothie Rhombus
Start and Finish: Inverdruie Woodland Car Park
Distance: 10k
Strava Route
Route Description: There are many versions to this one, and the area around Inverdruie features a plethora of options. From the woodland car park take the pavement along the Glenmore road heading east for a few hundred meters until you find the right turn labelled Tullochgrue. Follow this road staying on tarmac and avoiding taking any junctions, just under 2km in you will find the base of the infamous "Tullochgrue Hill Rep" used by the club for strength sessions. When you reach the top a look over your left shoulder will see you afforded a great view of Strathspey. Not far beyond the houses at the top of the hill you will find a wide parking area, take a left here and descend on a well trodden path until you reach a proper track, from here turn right and continue on to the next T junction where you will be bearing left. The next left again at around 5km into your run sees you return towards the Coylumbridge campsite. This section of the run is a personal favourite and is also half of the "Columbridge Triangle" route. Once you reach the campsite and junction to the main road you can turn left onto the Old Logging Way and return to the start point.
4. Coylumbridge Triangle
Start and Finish: Coylumbridge Campsite Layby
Strava Route
Route Description: Take the bus to the Coylumbridge Campsite or park up in the lay-by next to the junction and head south following the sign for Glen Einich, after passing through a couple of gates you will reach a fork in the road about 700m into your run. If you take the left fork you will enjoy a gentle uphill through the woods for around 3km until you reach a cross roads. The signs here will point to Loch Morlich and Glen Einich but we want to take a right turn away from these and run along an occasionally well-puddled path for around a kilometre to the next right turn. From here it's 3km straight back to the start, passing by the fork in the road from earlier. This route is enjoyable in either direction, clockwise just has a slightly gentler ascent.
5. The Beaver Trail
Start and Finish: Inverdruie
Distance: 7km
Strava Route
Route Description: This route visits Lochan Mor in Rothiemurchus Forest, where beavers were reintroduced to the Cairngorms National Park in 2023. The route continues along forest paths and a minor road to reach Loch an Eilein, with its famed ruined castle. The route is well waymarked with interpretation about the beavers and forms a pleasant route. The route begins and ends at the Inverdruie car parks and heads south towards Loch an Eilein on fresh trail, take a moment to admire Lochan Mor, called "the Lily Loch," by many locals before continuing on your way. When you reach the minor road take a left and continue to the Loch an Eilein car park, following the trail to the lochside. When you reach the lochside you can extend this route by around 5km by running the whole way round the loch, or as described here you can take a left, and then left again to return to the minor road. On this road you will then take the first right hand turn down a track which is marked by a beaver trail marker. This takes you through some pleasant woodland and beyond a farm until you reach the junction with a minor road. Turn left and follow the minor road back to the junction with the Old Logging Way where you will turn left and return to the start. During the day and at weekend, refreshments can be picked up from The Barn cafe!
6. Meall a' Bhuachaille
Start/Finish: Glenmore Visitor Centre
Distance: 9km
Strava Route
Route Description: On the northern side of Glenmore the skyline is dominated by the wonderful corbett that is Meall a' Bhuachaille. From the Glenmore visitor centre head north on uphill forest track signposted for Meall a' Bhuachaille from here, there are no junctions for you to take until you reach the col at roughly 2.3km in. From here, turn right and head up to the summit of the main peak. You will find a cairn marking the summit which on a good day offeres incredible views of the cairngorms and the surrounding landscape on all sides. When you have your breath back, head east from the summit to gain a well worn path down the mountain until you reach the Ryvoan Pass at around 400m, you will pop out of a small patch of woodland right next to the bothy. A right turn takes you to the ever popular An Lochan Uanie, the Green Lochan where it's important to keep an eye out for the faries that give the lochan it's distinctive colour. Then, continuing on your way along well maintained forrest track will eventually see you reach Glenmore Lodge and the start of the Old Logging Way. From here it's directly back to the Visitor Centre and yoru start point.
7. Anagach Woodland - Red Route
Start/Finish: Woodland Car Park, Grantown on Spey
Distance: 8.1km
Strava Route
Route Description: The Anagach Woodland is a community owned area of forest on the edge of Grantown on Spey between the edge of the town and the River Spey. The woods have many miles of trail in which are perfect for a runner to explore. There are three routes from the car park that are waymarked, red, blue and green. The red is the longest of them with the other two taking in smaller parts of mainly the same trails. From the start point head down the long straight of the old road, there is no need to take any junction and after around 800m you will know you are on the right track when you climb a short and steep zig zag. Continue on this trail until you meet a T junction on a small hill. At this junction follow the red way marker to your right, heading down a small hill to a cross roads where you will turn left. 500m on from here is another right turn which takes you down to a track where you will turn left and continue on this until another red way marker returns you to the woodland. This next section is an excellent spot to see an array of wildlife and between April and August we would ask you keep any dogs on leads and under close control at other times of the year. At the next crossroads you'll take another right and continue on a sometimes muddy parh until you reach the smoothness of the Speyside Way. With two sets of waymarkers to follow the next 3k back to the start will be easy, just keep following signs for Grantown on Spey as you make your way back uphill towards the town, keeping an eye out for squirrels.
7. Docharn Loop
Start/Finish: Deshar School
Distance: 10 km
Strava Route
This route begins by the school and requires crossing the A95 to reach the start. During school hours this route can also be started from Boat of Garten which will add around a kilometre in each direction depending on which car par you use. The route follows good trail and punchy climbs with excellent descents through to Carrbridge where one should make sure they are not eaten by an escapee from the Dinosaur Kingdom.
8. Craigowrie
Start/Finish: Badaguish Outdoor Centre
Distance: 8km
Strava Route
An ascent of the left hand peak at the end of the ridge from Meall a' Bhuachaille, this route forms the last third of the Meall a' Bhuachaille hill race.
Many people may find themselves walking some of the uphill. From Badaguish head up the (gentle hill) track from the north side of the resort. After nearly 1 mile take the path on the right up the hill. At the top you will find a recently felled area of forest and to your right a boggy area. It's possible to skirt the edge of this and at the other side is a rough path up to the top if the hill. Nearer the top the path drops momentarily (boggy patches) and then climbs to the summit via a steep rocky path.
Return the way you came. Care is required around the boggy patches especially at the bottom of the hill and on the initial descent from the top where the path twists and turn on a steep section, and midway where the ground is soft and crosses a stream.
9. Craig Dhubh from Ballaid (Newtonmore)
Start/Finish: Newtonmore
Distance: 8km
Strava Route
Leaving Newtonmore village on the Laggan Road, park at the small parking area adjacent to the blue memorial sign to Ewan Ormiston. This is just before the road crossing of the River Calder.
Ignore the gate at the parking area (room for 2-3 cars) and continue carefully along the road verge for a short section before turning right into the entrance to Ballaid farm. Continue up the track to the last right turn near the top. Take the right turn along past an outbuilding before then turning left along the track.
Cross a cattle grid and take the left fork up towards a gate, pass through the gate and follow the rough path up through the woods and onto the ridge leading to Creag Dubh. The path narrows and spreads as you enter the start of the ridge and continues with more than one deviation to the summit but all in the same general direction.
Return the same way to make a nearly 10k route or continue on and descend off the west end to be collected by another car at the bottom to avoid a long road run back to Newtonmore.
Running can be dangerous and all runners must take personal responsibility for their own safety. You should always carry a backup means of navigation and not rely on a single phone, app or map. Cairngorm Runners strives to provide accurate information but cannot accept responsibility for changes, errors or omissions.
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